Ionic live deploy downgrades the app into the store version

Hi, I’ve got a problem with the live deploy’s feature. When I upload a new version via git, there are times that, when downloaded from the app, it’s like i lose all the live deploy’s updates and I’m back into the store version.


Ionic: 4.3.1
Cordova CLI: 8.0.0
ionic-plugin-cordova: 6.1.0
Node: v8.11.1

Everytime I run:

git add .
git commit -m "test"
git push ionic production

And, after downloading the update like this…

checkUpdates() {
    if (!'core') && !this.updateWindow && window != undefined && window.IonicCordova != undefined && window.IonicCordova.deploy != undefined) {
      // Initialize the deploy plugin (OPTIONAL)
      window.IonicCordova.deploy.init(this.configDeploy, (res: any) => {
      }, (err: any) => {
      // Check for available updates
      window.IonicCordova.deploy.check((res: any) => {
        if (res === 'true') {
          // A new version is ready to download
          this.alertService.showConfirm("Hay una actualización disponible. ¿Desea actualizar la aplicación?", "Actualización disponible")
            .then((resp) => {
              if (resp == 'yes') {
                let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
                  message: 'Descargando...',
                  position: 'bottom',
                  showCloseButton: false,
                  dismissOnPageChange: true
       any) => {
                  if (res === 'true') {
                    // We can unzip the latest version
                    window.IonicCordova.deploy.extract((res: any) => {
                      if (res === 'true' || (this.utils.isNumber(res) && res == 1)) {
                        // we are ready to load the new version
                        window.IonicCordova.deploy.redirect(() => {
                        }, (e: any) => {
                          toast.setMessage('Error al instalar la actualización')
                    }, (e: any) => {toast.setMessage('Error al instalar la actualización')})
                }, (e: any) => {toast.setMessage('Error al descargar la actualización')});
      }, (e: any) => {
        this.alertService.showToast("Error al comprobar nuevas versiones.");

… there are times that my app is back into the store version… And I don’t know why.
Any thoughts are welcome. Thank you very much!