I ran one application and I got a notification that Ionic is out-of-date. So I updated it using the command npm update -g ionic but now, when I try running the application, it show ionic is not recognized as an internal or external command.
try to clean the npm cache and re installed ionic, that will work perfectly
I had the exact same problem after updating and @sarale’s suggestion worked great.
Well I re-installed ionic. It worked fine then. Thanks guys.
Still i am getting ionic not recognized. I tried the clean also
You should try re-installing cordova as well as ionic. hope that works.
Check if the configuration is broken or not. the update might have installed it in the wrong place.
First check: npm config get prefix
In my case It wasn’t set to /usr/local but in /usr/Roaming.
So to fix it, use: npm config set prefix
Problem solved!
set the path environment variables in Windows C:\Users\«user name folder»\appdata\Roaming\npm
Nothing works for me. Its really painful to work with Ionic.
thanks bro its know working
Check if the configuration is broken or not. the update might have installed it in the wrong place.
First check: npm config get prefix
In my case It wasn’t set to /usr/local but in /usr/Roaming.
So to fix it, use: npm config set prefix