Ionic ion-nav-view inside a slide-box

I’m trying to build two parallel apps inside a slide-box. This means the user should be able to use the slide-box to easily switch between the two apps while the apps maintain their (separate) state and navigation history. The setup I currently have is described below:

<ion-slide-box auto-play="false" does-continue="false">
    <ion-nav-view name="main"></ion-nav-view>
    <ion-nav-view name="form"></ion-nav-view>

This makes sure I have two different navigation stacks. However, it is unclear to me how I should construct my states in order for the two views to be displayed at the same time.

Currently my setup is this:

$stateProvider.state('app', {
        abstract: true,
        templateUrl: 'views/container.html'

    .state('app.main', {
        url: "/main",
        abstract: true,
        views: {
            main: {
                templateUrl: "views/main/main.html",
                controller: 'MainController'
    .state('app.main.list', {
        url: "/list",
        views: {
            menuContent: {
                templateUrl: "views/main/list/list.html",
                controller: 'ListController'
    .state('app.form', {
        url: "/form",
        views: {
            form: {
                templateUrl: "views/form/form.html",
                controller: 'FormController'

But when I use this I have to add a function which changes the state when the slide is changed:

function changeURL($index) {
    if($index==0) {
    } else {

But this causes some strange behavior in my navigation stack (black screen in between the slide-boxes when the URL changes). The question can be summarized as trying to mimic the behavior of the tabs directive with the slidebox. How can this be done?

How did you solve this? I’m in the exact same situation.

Well, i’m walking the same path as you