ios build failed

The ionic package function seems broken for ios projects ?
Any builds failed with this message : "Failure while building the project environment"
Is anyone know if the service will be up soon ?

Yes, I agree.

Android is ok but impossible for ios.

I have this configuration :
global packages:

@ionic/cli-utils : 1.4.0
Cordova CLI      : 7.0.1 
Gulp CLI         : not installed globally
Ionic CLI        : 3.4.0

local packages:

@ionic/cli-plugin-cordova : 1.4.0
@ionic/cli-plugin-gulp    : 1.0.1
@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic1  : 2.0.0
Cordova Platforms         : android 6.2.3 ios 4.4.0
Ionic Framework           : ionic1 1.3.1


Node       : v6.11.0
OS         : macOS Sierra
Xcode      : Xcode 8.3.3 Build version 8E3004b 
ios-deploy : 1.9.0 
ios-sim    : 5.0.12 
npm        : 3.10.10 

I test with this configuration :
global packages:

@ionic/cli-utils : 1.4.0
Cordova CLI      : 7.0.1 
Gulp CLI         : not installed globally
Ionic CLI        : 3.4.0

local packages:

@ionic/cli-plugin-cordova : 1.4.0
@ionic/cli-plugin-gulp    : 1.0.1
@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic1  : 2.0.0
Cordova Platforms         : android 6.2.3 ios 4.4.0
Ionic Framework           : ionic1 1.3.1


Node       : v7.2.0
OS         : macOS Sierra
Xcode      : Xcode 8.3.3 Build version 8E3004b 
ios-deploy : 1.9.0 
ios-sim    : 5.0.12 
npm        : 5.0.3

but I changed after read this post :

Similarly, there is such a problem.

We’re having the same issue here as well.

Yeap - I am getting the same message “Failure while building the project environment” and the build was succeeded - no errors on build for ios. I guess this message it’s kind of poor of information.

same here, and yes, the information provided is not helpful :frowning:

This topic is from 28 days ago - in the meantime thousands of builds were successful. So if you again have a problem, please create a new topic and include what error message you are getting.