I have a requirement to display images from Google drive to my app, can we do, If yes, How to do help me with example, If possible
Hi, @Harikag
You can use this plugin https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/image-picker.
By using this plugin you’ll be able to select images(single/multiple) from google drive and it’s getPicture method will return the list of those selected images URI and you can display those images by using URI.
Hope it helps!!!
Thanks For your reply. I will try this and will update you.
Hi, If you have any ionic sample codes, Please share me.
Hi, @Harikag
You can refer to this https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-load-multiple-images-using-native-image-picker-in-ionic-3/.
Ok, THanks For your reply, BUt It is not loading images from drive right, I want to display images from drive and uploading to a drive ,how we are connecting to google drive etc…