Ionic for tablets, advise and feedbacks needed

I am reading the suitability of Ionic Framework for tablet devices on landscape and portrait modes.

Many posts in Stackoverflow mention that Ionic is for mobile devices. Ionic marketing and branding materials specifically states HTML5 mobile apps, leaving tablets on dark side due to some reason.

On the other side, some claims that tablet is a mobile device, with larger viewport, so Ionic support this by default, developers has to plan to use the larger viewport & real estate. I agree here at some extend, but usablity still vary between tab and mobiles.

Right now, we are in early stage of app with Titanium framework, we are looking for HTML5 options, I would like to get feedback from developers about tablet and Ionic framework compatibility. We also checking Kendo UI, only drawback is non-Angular stack.

Anyone who developed tablet apps can share your experiences with Ionic?

Hey there! so You can use ionic for tablets, by mixing in some responsive design. As for specific tablet/split view… :wink:

We’re working on that and hope to have it for 1.0 final

Any tentative timeline for split view implementation for tablet? like 1 month or 2?

Can’t give out specific dates, but it is being worked on now

Thank you. You mentioned responsive design, does ionic support responsive design by its own?

From ionic documentation .

I just started learning Bootstrap 3 for “normal” web projects.

I must say I find the Ionic grid FAAAAR more user friendly.

Building responsive layouts with the Ionic grid system is very easy and pretty reliable in my usage.

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I had no issues building an iPad app using Ionic.