I’m tryng to use ionic deploy. For upload i use:
ionic upload --note 'test'
Then on a button i have:
`this.checkUpdate = () => {
let deploy = new Ionic.Deploy();
deploy.info().then(function(deployInfo) {
}, function() {}, function() {});
deploy.getVersions().then(function(versions) {
$log.debug('Ionic Deploy: Checking for updates for channel : ' + APP.ionicIO.channel);
return deploy.check().then(function(hasUpdate) {
console.log('Ionic Deploy: Update available: ' + hasUpdate);
// $scope.hasUpdate = hasUpdate;
}, function(err) {
console.error('Ionic Deploy: Unable to check for updates', err);
The result is:
[Debug] {deploy_uuid: “NO_DEPLOY_LABEL”, binary_version: “1.0.7”} (ionic.bundle.min.js, line 142)
[Debug] (0) (ionic.bundle.min.js, line 142)
[Log] Ionic Deploy: – “no updates available” (console-via-logger.js, line 174)
[Log] Ionic Deploy: Update available: false (console-via-logger.js, line 174)
Via charles:
Result: { "error": { "link": null, "message": "404: Not Found", "type": "NotFound" }, "meta": { "status": 404, "request_id": "2e779015-b9e0-4b66-959d-90d4d05a43fc", "version": "2.0.0-beta.0" } }
Request: { "device_deploy_uuid": "", "device_platform": "ios", "device_app_version": "1.0.7", "channel_tag": "production" }
The appid in the url via charles is the same in ionic.project and ionic.io. Of course in ionic.io there are the uplodas.