Ionic crosswalk keyboard

Ionic is amazing framework really
I liked it, and I used it to build my app for 6 weeks
however before using crosswalk ,it was slow in rendering js and html so I decided to use crosswalk
ionic makes it’s integration so easy ,however it became fast but keyboard bugs appeared in android
1-overlapping the content
2- keyboard is so slow in typing
3- I have a messaging app which has a textarea in a fixed position in the bottom
it takes long time for writing a sentence of 6 words
also some times keyboard overlapping the textarea
I checked most of topics regarding these issue but didn’t find an answer for that issues
after I completed my app (99%) these issue preventing me from publishing my app to the store
hope I can find a fix so keyboad in android works like in any other app
I checked other apps in my phone ,keyboard works fast and smooth

I have adjustResize option in my config.xml
my app is not a full screen app
ionic keyboard plugin 1.0.4 is included

@mhartington kindly please help me