Ionic cli & cordova version problem

I follow the “Start building with Ionic” instractions:

  1. npm install -g cordova ionic
  2. ionic start myApp tabs
  3. cd myApp
  4. ionic platform add android
  5. ionic build android

but the images of chat faces don’t appear. I only see “?”

I npm install -g cordova@3.5 and everthing is ok.

Where is the problem?


The problem is with cordova’s latest 4.0 release - they made a bunch of breaking changes. You’ll need to read the release notes on Cordova’s site, particularly about the new whitelist plugin.

<access origin="*"/>

Isn’t enough anymore, you also have to install a new whitelist plugin. uh

nik_martin thank you very much for your help.
I read this.

I follow the instructions

  1. cordova platform update android@4.0.0
    2 .cordova plugin add
  2. cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen

and everything is OK now.

Thanks again.