Your system information:
Cordova CLI: 5.3.3
Gulp version: CLI version 3.9.0
Gulp local:
Ionic Version: 1.1.0
Ionic CLI Version: 1.7.7
Ionic App Lib Version: 0.6.3
ios-deploy version: 1.8.2
ios-sim version: 5.0.3
OS: Mac OS X El Capitan
Node Version: v5.0.0
Xcode version: Xcode 7.1 Build version 7B91b
Zeeshans-MBP:my-reddit zeeshansabri11$ ionic build ios
Zeeshans-MBP:my-reddit zeeshansabri11$ ionic emulate ios
Zeeshans-MBP:my-reddit zeeshansabri11$
Nothing happening. I was getting some errors and check with my Udemy instructor and I have been told that I installed my Node using sudo so I have uninstall complete node, ionic and cordova and then reinstall it now I’m not getting those errors but now Build and Emulate command not doing anything at all.
I have seen similar post on forum but that seems old and recommending downgrade to some really old version not sure if it’s still valid.
Btw: I’m new with all Ionic, cordova and node so please go easy on me
Make sure you include the platforms by
ionic platform add ios
And then rerun the build command.
HI DaDanny,
Thanks for the suggestion, not that new Yes I have done that even I tried removing the iOS build and re-add it but still the same.
Just checking, we all make silly mistakes
So no errors are output in the terminal? What happens when you try ionic run ios?
I’m having the same issue after running:
$ npm update
Both ionic run ios
and ionic emulate ios
fail too.
Sorry, I just made a duplicate post and just after posting I saw this in suggested topics. I’ve given a little more detail:
This morning I wanted to ensure I was all up-to-date so I ran the following command in my Ionic project folder: $ npm update Now when I run the following command, it fails but returns blank. No errors, no message, no nothing: $ ionic build ios ...
@zeeshansabri Did you happen to run the same command as me today?
@DaDanny @zeeshansabri
I beleive the issue is Node 5.0.0. Works when I downgrade to 4.2.1. Instructions as per
$ npm install -g n
$ n 4.2.1
I was finding commands like $bower install
was doing the same thing which made me think of it.
He Bensinclair,
No I didn’t run npm update. It’s stopped working since I uninstall and reinstall all of my node, ionic etc
Hi Bensinclair,
Thanks for coming back to me, I have tried
npm install -g n
and it’s automatically installed n@2.0.2 when I tried
nam install -g n 4.2.1
it gives me a 404 error on
what I’m doing wrong. BTW, I tried on 2.0.2
ionic build iOS
and result was same
nam install -g n 4.2.1
Reinstalling node most likely reinstalled npm to the latest version.
That command you’ve run is incorrect. To run multiple commands at once, use && to separate each command. E.g:
npm install -g n && n 4.2.1
If you still get errors try running it with sudo
in front:
sudo npm install -g n && sudo n 4.2.1
Thank you man. it worked… yay
March 27, 2017, 1:56pm
What about Node v7
, I’m having the same problem there. Do I need to downgrade it?
Probably not. I’m using node 7.7.2 without build problems so I doubt node is the issue.