I know Ionic 4 is in beta, but the Tabs starter template hasn’t been working for 2 weeks. What’s up with that and when can i get it to work.
It worked for me:
Install Angular globally using npm
npm install -g @angular/cli
To check your version of Angular
ng --version
Install TypeScript globally using npm
npm install -g typescript
To check your version of TypeScript
tsc --version
Install Ionic globally using npm
npm install -g ionic
To check your version of Ionic
ionic --version
To scaffold your project
ionic start MyIonic4Pwa tabs --type=angular
Change directory
cd MyIonic4Pwa
Launch the project
ionic serve
For example:
Switch Tabs for the first time is reloading the entire app in Ionic 4 not sure why. It is reproducible in the new starter template.
Steps to reproduce:
- Install tabs template for Ionic 4
- Now when we run ionic serve -b the first tab is selected by default.
- Now when we click on second tab it refreshes the whole app and get redirected to first tab, this problem occurs only once.
Another Issue that I was able to find while developing an app in Ionic 4 is
on the tabs first page the url link reads as localhost:8100/tabs/(home:home). now when we navigate to a different page other than tabs using command
and then come back via back button mentioned in the header.
<ion-buttons slot="start">
the url is now updated as localhost:8100/tabs instead of localhost:8100/tabs/(home:home) now again if we navigate to about page or any other page apart from tabs switching the whole app crashes
@robinyo - Can you please check this once and let me know your findings, its a humble request! Thanks in advance
Also adding to the above issue this.content.scrollToTop() functionality is not working.