Ionic 4 problem when adding content before ion-virtual-scroll

I have this code and it’s working totally fine using ionic 4 and angular 8


after added some content before ion-virtual-scroll it cost to this problem. the items not showing in the right time [see Gif]

<div class="content-header">...</div>

when I display:none the class .content-header it work fine again.


is there a way to make ion-virtual-scroll load more content on the screen?

is there a way to hide the .content-header after scrolling down (may it work)?

When I wrote the question I was not thinking that some div without any CSS will make this issue, but it does.

this screenshot with the problem enter image description here

after changing the to this order the <ion-virtual-scroll> detect the hight correctly. enter image description here.

I hope it’s clear. it’s was only deleted a <div class="ion-padding">

enter image description here