I have a page that looks something like this:
Page Title
<div class="view-one">
Headers, Filters, Etc.
<ion-list no-lines [virtualScroll]="list" [approxItemHeight]="'140px'">
<ion-item *virtualItem="let item">
<div class="item">
Item Stuff
<div class="view-two">
I can not get the virtual scroll on the list of items to work. If I add a second <ion-content>
tag around the list, it works in chrome but not on any device. I am trying to stay away from using two <ion-content>
tags anyways. I can not have the list as a direct child of the <ion-content>
tag because of all of the other elements that must exist on the page, and because the list may have hundreds of items I need to lazy-load them.
As is, the list does not show at all and instead displays an empty area where it should be.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?