Ionic 2 Alpha has a delay and flicker before sliding in new view

When comparing Ionic 2 Alpha against Ionic 1.1, in the default template, go to the chats tab, and select a list item. In Ionic 2 Alpha, on the iPhone there is a delay after tapping a list item but before the view slides in. Also on the iPhone 4 once you tap the list item, the contents of the screen goes blank, then shows up again, and then slides in the new view.

Just tried the conference app (Ionic v2). It’s sooooo slooooow.
Tried with and without Crosswalk, it’s even worst with Crosswalk…

Device: LG G3 running Android 5.0

List scrolling is smooth but, damn, those pages/views transitions are unbelievably slow (up to 10 seconds for a simple page changing!)

I’m so happy I’m not the only one seeing this! Hopefully that means a fix can occur in the future.

I noticed it my own app, and again with the code from the great tutorial located here:

The slide-in navigation is (relatively) slow, always maybe a 300ms pause. (Not that slow, but noticeable, especially when compared with Ionic v1). In my own app which has more than one “level” of pages you can navigate through, after the first level, the page flickers before sliding out-- as if it is fully redrawn first.

I’ve noticed the same behavior both in chrome (by running “ionic serve”), and on my iPhone 6s, through the Ionic View app.

Hey, we’re working to improve performance. :smile:

If you find anything in particular that sticks out, and the issue doesn’t exist, please submit an issue to the ionic2 repo:

Thank you! :smile:

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Thanks, Brandy, I’ll definitely look through the listed issues and submit one if I can’t find it listed. Much appreciated!

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And please keep calm… it is labeled as first alpha! ^^