I just update Ionic to release 2.1.0-beta.3.
Whould someone declare the new structure, specially app folder which includes app.component.ts, app.module.ts,main.dev.ts and main.prod.ts.
and what should I use instead of app.core.scss that was in the theme folder in previous release.
I’ve been trying to fix this for almost 5 hours. There is much more than just new structure. I wonder if it is possible to smoothly change from beta-11 to rc-0
Yea there isn’t really much documentation for this at the moment. I’m sure ionic will improve the changelog, perhaps make a blog post and update the component docs to rc0. I’m going to wait until there are better docs before I bother trying to upgrade my large app to rc-0. At the moment I have just looked around the starter projects to get the gist of it, but i still have a lot of questions.