Ionic 1 or 2?

Hi, I’m very new to the ionic framework. I need some advices from the forum.

Here is our story. We already created a product using AngularJS 1.x in the last year but it only has browser client. Now we want to create mobile apps. Ionic seems to be a perfect framework for us since we already have some skilled AngularJS developers. One thing I’m not very sure is whether we should go for ionic 2? Is it much better than ionic 1? Can ionic 2 coexists with our AngularJS 1.x codebase?

Thanks in advance.

Ionic 1 is written on top of AngularJS. Ionic 2 is written on top of Angular(4.x for Inic 3.1 ). Angular is quite different from AngularJS also require some knowledge of Typescript. You can upgrade AngularJS project to Angular.

And to follow up, Ionic 2 can not use your AngularJS code. It will be a full migration of your code base.

Thanks, we are happy with AngularJS 1.x. There is no reason we should upgrade to Angular. So I think we give ionic 1 a try.

How much of the app are you actually planning to reuse for the mobile adaption?

Not much, about 1/3 pages of my current application.