Ionic 1 Debug Android Push Notifications / Debug Keystore Question (Ionic Cloud, FCM)


I have an Ionic 1 app which previously used the beta version of Ionic Push and I had working with iOS and Android GCM (not the new FCM).

In trying to update to the production Ionic Cloud Push service and have successfully got iOS working using the iOS Provisioning Profiles. However I am flummoxed as to how to test push on Android. As per the documentation I have added my FCM Serve Key on the > Settings > Certificates. But what are you supposed to do when trying to test pushes on a debug build as opposed to a signed release build. The documentation only talks about uploading your keystone file and associated data but no mention of debugging.

Having searched various forums I have found a debug.keystore file in ~/.android which apparently is generated for debug Android builds with default passwords, aliases etc but I have tried uploading this with the associated default data to no avail. Does anyone know is there a way to test Android push without doing a release build and signing the app anymore or not? And if so how are you supposed to go about it. There seems a gap in the documentation for debugging push on Android.

Many thanks in advance.