I use google oauth in my app. Which needs a SHA-1 fingerprint to be included on google developer console.
I have added SHA-1 , which I got using the android debug keystore :-
keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
But , when Ionic app is built and run , Oauth won’t work because of unmatched fingerprint.
So , to make it work everytime I have to sign the ionic built app manually using android debug keystore.Then the app works.
Is there a way to tell ionic to sign the apk with android debug keystore ?
Can I get SHA-1 of keystore , which is used by ionic to signing while building ?
Manually , signing after every build is a tedious task , since I can’t directly run on device.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks