Ion-slides ionSlideDidChange don't work on RC-5


I have

<ion-slides effect="coverflow" (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChanged()">

and when I slowly swipe a slide it has not called, but if I swipe fastly it is called.

It’s error was in RC-4 but I used onTransitionEnd in swiper but now it’t not possible

mySlideOptions = {
    loop: false,
    onInit: s => {
        this.swiper = s;
    onSlideChangeEnd: s => {
    onTransitionEnd: s => {
        this.onTransitionEnd(); <-- I used this
    effect: 'coverflow',
    centeredSlides: true,
    slidesPerView: 1,
    coverflow: {
        rotate: 50,
        stretch: 0,
        depth: 100,
        modifier: 4,
        slideShadows: false

how can I do it right now?

PD: It happen with all effect (fade, cube, coverflow or flip) but with default effect work fine.

hi, from the RC5 changelog:

ion-slides was refactored to remove the external dependencies, and rewritten in TypeScript/ES6 modules to again improve tree shaking abilities. In order to work with tree shaking, the options attribute had to be removed. See the Slides API Documentation for usage information.

Hi @pe1,
Thx for your answer.
I understand that, anyway ionSlideDidChange only is called with slide effect :frowning:


Hi @jbgomez21, it seems to work fine for me, i didn’t notice any problems with ionSlideDidChange event in RC5:

<ion-slides pager='true' effect='slide' initialSlide='0' loop='false' #imageSlider *ngIf="" (ionSlideDidChange)="onSlideDidChange($event)" class="slides-images">

Yes, It’s work because you are using effect=‘slide’, change it for effect=‘cowerflow’ and swipe slowly and it does not work.


yes till today the issue do exists. workaround fix : provide spaceBetween=“n” for ion-slides


This is still a problem see below the problem occurs when the pager changes before the slide has been released (on a real device too):
Here the title should change for each slide.


<ion-slides pager effect="coverflow" (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChanged($event)" (ionSlideDrag)="slideDrag($event)">
  lastDragEventToken: number;

  slideDrag(event?: any) {
    if (this.lastDragEventToken) {
    this.lastDragEventToken = window.setTimeout(()=>{
      this.lastDragEventToken = 0;
    }, 300);