Ion-slides effects in ionic 4

do you have an issue with <ion-slides> in Ionic 4, that there can`t be changed its effect to coverflow, flip,… ?Only slide as default is working.

Just created new clean project and trying it.


Could you display some code?

Sure, I can, but it is the same as in documentation for slides.


slideOpts = {
     effect: 'coverflow',
     loop: false


<ion-slides [options]="slideOpts" (ionSlideWillChange)="slideChanged()" #slides>

But coverflow effect is not fired. Only default slide effect can be seen :-/

Didn’t work for me neither

So should I report it as bug? Or is there anyone who can tell that it is working?

maybe someone else could give a hand? you didn’t find anything about it anywhere?

I did not find any solution for this :-/ So maybe with the same issue? Or I report it as bug…

Honestly don’t know, you could probably open an issue I guess then. If you do so, provide a codepen or jsfiddle or else to display the problem, that will speed up the process

Full swiper API is not exposed

Docs do NOT mention it however
In fact, doc is misleading by providing effect value, even though it’s the default and cannot be changed.

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