Ion-side-menu-content edge-drag-threshold is forgetful

I have sidemenus set up like so:

    <ion-pane ion-side-menu-content edge-drag-threshold="true" drag-content="$root.canDrag">                                                                                                       
        <ion-nav-bar class="bar-color nav-title-slide-ios7 has-tabs-top">                                                                                                                          
            <ion-nav-buttons side="left">                                                                                                                                                          
                <button class="button transparent button-icon icon ion-navicon" ng-click="toggleDrawer()">                                                                                         
        <ion-nav-view name="menu-content" animation="slide-left-right"></ion-nav-view>                                                                                                             

    <ion-side-menu side="left" class="dark" expose-aside-when="large">                                                                                                                             
            <div class="sidebar-header">                                                                                                                                                           
                <a href="#/main/account" menu-close><img class="sidebar-img-circle" ng-src="{{fb_uid}}/picture"></a><br>                                                 
            <div class="list">                                                                                                                                                                     
                <a href="#/main/tab/dash" class="item" menu-close><i class="icon ion-android-home icon-lrg"></i>&nbsp; <span class="side-text">Home</span></a>                                     
                <a href="#/main/tab/request" class="item" menu-close><i class="icon ion-ios-calendar icon-lrg"></i>&nbsp; <span class="side-text">A Link</span></a>                            
                <a href="#/main/account" class="item" menu-close><i class="icon ion-ios-person icon-lrg"></i>&nbsp; <span class="side-text">A second Link</span></a>                                     
            <div class="bar-dark list sidebar-bottom">                                                                                                                                             
                <a href="#/main/help" class="item" menu-close><i class="icon ion-android-options icon-lrg"></i>&nbsp; <span class="side-text">Settings</span></a>                                  
                <a href="#/main/help" class="item" menu-close><i class="icon ion-ios-help icon-lrg"></i>&nbsp; <span class="side-text">Help & FAQ</span></a>                                       
</ion-side-menus> ```

On the first view when the app is loaded everything (edge-drag-threshold) works as expected. On any consecutive view where drag-content is "true" edge-drag-threshold seems to be set to false i.e. dragging anywhere on the content makes it possible to slide open the side menu. 

I tried a lot of things, among them setting $ionicSideMenuDelegate.edgeDragThreshold(true) at different locations in the code but nothing changes the described behaviour. I'd be very thankfull if someone would be able to give me a hint about how to debug this.