Hi guys!
My message is quite big, briefely:
How do you correctly unshift an element into ion-slide-box and not to change current index?
Full description:
I am creating an application, that displays your workouts.
Each screen has a listing of workouts for current week.
- By swiping left, you get a previous week.
- By swiping right, you get next week.
A few commits earlier i had a view with several fields like this.
<div ng-repeat="workout in workouts" on-swipe-left="prevWeek()">
prevWeek() changed the “workouts” array, loading workouts for previous week. So when it was changed, angular loaded it immediately to HTML.
But now I want to make it look smooth: when swiping left, i want to have an animation of swipe and upcoming new workouts.
I googled that and decided to make it with ion-slide-box. My plan was:
Load current week, previous and the next
- Display them with dynamic
- Swipe left/right.
- If reached right end, load new week and push() it to workouts array (2. step would display it as proper)
- If reached left end, load new week and unshift() it to workouts array.
The bug is at the very last step. By unshifting a new element, that should be displayed, ion-slide-box moves me to this very last week. So if a have array [‘c’,‘d’,‘e’] and default value is 1 (‘d’). Then, i move to 0 element (‘c’), a new element ‘b’ is unshifted at 0 index (now array is [‘b’,‘c’,‘d’,‘e’]), BUT ion-slide-box moves me automatically to index 0 (element ‘b’), not remaining at ‘c’.
Sorry for the long post. Shall add a brief descr at the begginnig.
Very simple Codepen upcoming