Image not display in android

I set an image in my app in ionic 2/3 but when I add platform and run APK file that time image not displaying…when app is run using CLI ’ ionic serve -l ’ that time it is displaying properly and my image is saved in ’ myapp/www/asset/image/img1.jpg ’

The path is wrong!
You should save your assets in the src/assets folder and then you can access them like assets/img/img1.png

@LoLStats I tried this solution but I’m facing this same problem

Use remote debugging to find out what file it is requesting on the device and try changing the URL to fix it:

Here app is running using CLI

I running my app in android using emulator

Hey, did you ever find a solution to this problem? I’m facing the same issue.


that a image is shown in browser, but not on device is often a wrong path. Path depends where you set it. Post your related code and people will try to help you.

Best regards, anna-liebt

Did you find the solution ? i am also facing the same issue.