Icon and images not showing after build

I’m new in ionic and created first app from this tutorial :
everything is working fine on serve but when I build my app with “ionic build --prod” and copy www folder on host , all of images and icons disappear in browser even ionic icons , I searched a lot in forum and tried all of paths like :

 <ion-img src = "./assets/myImage.png"></ion-img>
 <ion-img src = "../assets/myImage.png"></ion-img>
 <ion-img src = ".../assets/myImage.png"></ion-img>
 <ion-img src = "/assets/myImage.png"></ion-img>
 <ion-img src = "assets/myImage.png"></ion-img>
 <ion-img src = "../../assets/myImage.png"></ion-img>

I chacked my www folder and I can see my image there but I don’t know why browser cant find it , please tell me where i’m doing wrong , i’m using ionic 4