I love Ionic & Firebase!

Dear community,

It’s been already 2 years I met with Ionic, and I think I fell in love with this framework.
I released many apps with Ionic, but this time I couldn’t resist to share with you a little project of my own.

I believe it is a good example of what kind of app you can build with Ionic & Firebase, release it on both stores, and all that in less than a month.

Let me introduce you Fantasplit, a very fun app to share bills with your friends when you are going out for a beer!

You can find it here:

Let me know what your think, I would love to hear your thoughts!
And of course, a massive thank you for the whole community :heart:


Félicitations pour la publication de ton app :+1:

I like the effect of your design super smooth, congrats :slight_smile:

May I ask, which Facebook plugin do you use for the login process?

And just a side thought, maybe for a next version: right now I could only disconnect my self, I can’t delete my account. I guess at some points you will have to implement that

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Merci !

I am using this Facebook plugin: https://github.com/jeduan/cordova-plugin-facebook4
Why do you ask?

Yes, I will add the delete account feature later one when I will know for sure that the app is stable.

Thanks a lot for your feedback!

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Cool, thx for the feedback.

I asked about Facebook because your login look super sweet (solved with a small popup) where my Facebook login is solved with a full redirect in the facebook app.

I use the same plugin actually, so maybe it’s an effect of the Facebook API version (I use 2.5 right now, I should probably upgrade…)

Yes, maybe it is caused by the Facebook API.
Also make sure to use the latest version of the plugin :wink:

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