After some testing I’ve finally managed to fix the appearance of the player by creating it inside a local iframe
I found issues adding the code of the video
element (which is dynamic) into the iframe
, because writing directly to the iframe.contentDocument
(as suggested here) made the app crash in Android 4.1.2, but using a data
URL worked. This is how the code looks:
var DATA_SRC_PREFIX = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,";
var HTML5_PLAYER_DATA_CODE = '<html><head></head><body>' +
'<video poster="{{poster}}" preload="metadata" controls webkit-playsinline>' +
'<source ng-repeat="src in playerSrcList track by $index" ng-src="{{trustResourceUrl(src.url)}}" type="{{src.format}}">' +
'Your browser doesn\'t support HTML5 video.' +
'</video>' +
var compiledPlayer = $compile("<div>" + HTML5_PLAYER_DATA_CODE + "</div>")(scope);
$timeout(function(){ //Need timeout to wait to get the interpolated html code
scope.model.iFrameDataSrc = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(
DATA_SRC_PREFIX + escape(compiledPlayer.html())
Anyway I still wonder how ionic.css
affects the appearance of the video
Hope it helps.