Hi everyone,
I’m facing a problem with the style of radio buttons in my app. I have multiple slides which contains multiples radio buttons and i want them to look like this :
But i only succed to do this :
Here is my ion-content code :
<h1 class="title">{{ subcategory.name | uppercase }}</h1>
<ion-slide *ngFor="let question of questions; let i=index">
<ion-row><h1 class="subtitle">{{ question.question }}</h1></ion-row>
<ion-row col-10 offset-1 radio-group>
<ion-item text-wrap text-center class="response-button" *ngFor="let response of responses" no-lines col-3>
<ion-label>{{ response.response}}</ion-label>
<ion-radio (ionSelect)="onSelectionChange(question, response)" value="{{response.id_response}}"></ion-radio>
And here is my scss :
border-radius: 8px;
background-color: #bdd88c;
color: #6a962f;
text-align: center;
I tried many things but one time i can’t check the buttons, another time i not able to see any text inside labels…maybe my structure is wrong but i don’t know what to do.
Thanks in advance,