How to overcome with '#' , coming in URL through DeepLinking in Ionic 2?

Hi everyone,
I am trying to implement navigation in Ionic 2. I have tried with DeepLinking and i got the result, but ‘#’ sign is comming in URL. When ‘#’ sign will come in URL then Google Analytic will not recognize the website, that’s why i have tried to implement navigation in different ways like Angular 2 Routing, that supports both (HTML5 or hash URL style), but unable to implement in Ionic 2.

Ex- http://localhost:8100/#/registration - This one working fine but i want without ‘#’. Like http://localhost:8100/registration

module.ts code is below

declarations: […],
imports: [
IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {}, {
links: [
{ component: RegistrationComponent, name: ‘Registration’, segment: ‘registration’ },
bootstrap: [IonicApp],
entryComponents: […],
providers: [ …]

Thanks for help

Hi @sunilnitw91, see my comment on How to configure deeplinks in AppModule.forRoot()?

Also, don’t forget to set the location strategy to path:
IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, { locationStrategy: 'path' }, deepLinkConfig),

Thanks for help,

When application is launching then it is coming with ‘/’ like “http://localhost:8100/registration” (Working fine) but in case, when we will edit the address bar or manually append ‘registration’ then it will not work instead we need to pass like “http://localhost:8100/#/registration” then it will converted into http://localhost:8100/registration. but it should work in both cases

Any idea/suggestion about that, please share with us