It’s possible remove # ?
host:port/#/users to host:port/users
i already add in index.html
It’s possible remove # ?
host:port/#/users to host:port/users
i already add in index.html
Is DeepLinker even working for you?
I implemented things specified in the link you mentioned and it’s still not working!
Yes does work for me
Did you install any plugin for it to work?
I’ve a segment called home, so I need to access it at http://localhost:myPortNo/#/home right?
no install any plugin, i want remove #
Give me the full URL where its accessible right now?
Give atleast 2 to 3 route URL which is working for you …
I’ll try it and let you know if I can remove # from the URL.
Ty, ask me if you can do
I’ve following code inside app.module.ts file
imports: [ IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {},{ Links: [ {component: HomePage, name: 'Home', segment: 'home'}, {component: SecondPage, name: 'Second', segment: 'detail/:code'} ] }) ],
But am not able to access the URL http://localhost:portno/#/home