How to add select all option to ion-select in ionic 5

I tried adding ion-select-option and then tried to handle select all logic in the change event but change event doesn’t fire at all. seems it doesn’t support events

        <ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedValues" multiple="true">
            <ion-select-option (ionChange)="selectAll()">Select All</ion-select-option>
            <ion-select-option [value]="option" *ngFor="let option of  items">{{option}}


Your code does not work because you placed the ionChange in the wrong place…

This is how you code should look like…

<ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedValues" multiple="true" (ionChange)="selectAll()">
	<ion-select-option [value]="all">Select All</ion-select-option>
	<ion-select-option [value]="option" *ngFor="let option of  items">{{option}}

Check my answer on stack overflow

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Please adopt something along the lines of @redcort’s solution. It is important to make “select all” not look like the rest of the options.

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yep, this could help

with the help of stack overflow answers here I have created a directive for my requirements. Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

full code here :