after some research there is apparently no solution to add an “Select/Unselect All” value for the ion Select component when using the multiple value selection, which would automatically select all the other options.
This is an issue for me as I have a list of around 30 entries and it’s a pitty to select (unselect) them all one by one.
Hence, I would like to if there is any update on this issue, and if not, if you could suggest another approach to have a menu with a “Select/Unselect All” option (i.e. some other component, plugin, workaround etc).
Thanks in advance.
I will provide more details in my ion select component as maybe there is a solution:
Maybe I could somehow solve it via @ViewChild?
<ion-buttons end>
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="doFilter()">
<ion-icon name="options"></ion-icon>
<ion-content [hidden]="true">
<ion-select #sectionSelect
<ion-option (ionSelect)="selectAllmovies()">Select/Deselect All</ion-option>
<ion-option *ngFor="let movie of movies" [value]="movie.id" [selected]="movie.favored == 1">{{movie.moviename}} ({{movie.shortname}})</ion-option>
My .ts:
@ViewChild('sectionSelect') sectionSelect: Select;
//would it work to add logic here to update the select status on the fly, for all entries??
Thanks in advance!
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no rocket science needed here you have done almost all! just loop through your array of movies and make movie.favored true/false as below (you can detect the select/unselect state by binding a variable to your select all option
just change your select all option to this
<ion-option [(ngModel)]="selectAll" [selected]=selectAll (ionSelect)="selectAllmovies()"></ion-option>
and in your controller declare a new Boolean and use this function
selectAll: boolean = false;
selectAllmovies() {
this.movies.forEach(movie => {
movie.favored = this.selectAll;
and your options should change a bit as:
<ion-option *ngFor="let movie of movies" [value]="movie.id" [selected]=movie.favored>{{movie.moviename}} ({{movie.shortname}})</ion-option>
and as you are binding the selected state of each option to the movie.favored it should change when you change it from selectAllmovies()
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