How do you create a link from a list?


I am a student and is new to Ionic. I want to create a settings page with a list when you click one of the items on the list you are directed to another page.

Thanks for all the help.

From the docs:

<div class="list">

  <div class="item item-divider">
    Candy Bars

  <a class="item" href="#">
  <a class="item" href="#">



What I am trying to get at is how do you create the way the new page is loaded once you tap the bar. The transition I already have the list.

In your config, you’d have a state for the other page. The state should have a URL defined. The URL would go in your list.


.state('candy', {
    url : '/candy/:candyId',
    templateUrl : 'templates/candyTypes.html',
    controller : 'CandyController'

<div class="list">

  <div class="item item-divider">
    Candy Bars

  <a class="item" href="#/candy/1">
  <a class="item" href="#/candy/1">
