How can I limit swipe/drag side menus to one side

I’d like to request the ability to allow drag only on one side other another. For example, I have a right and left side menu, and I don’t want the right side to be draggable. However if I have $ionicSideMenuDelegate.canDragContent() enabled, in a list that has can-swipe and buttons the drag only works for the list. For example I would like a swipe to left to open left menu, swipe right to open ionItem buttons. Seems only one can work at once.

Is there a way to accomplish this, or is this a feature request? I’d be happy to look into how to implement, but wanted to check before coding something.

I’d say because of this code, the gesture directions for swiping are pretty fixed:

// If we are currently dragging, we want to snap back into place
    // The final resting point X will be the width of the exposed buttons
    var restingPoint = -this._currentDrag.buttonsWidth;

    // Check if the drag didn't clear the buttons mid-point
    // and we aren't moving fast enough to swipe open
    if(e.gesture.deltaX > -(this._currentDrag.buttonsWidth/2)) {

      // If we are going left but too slow, or going right, go back to resting
      if(e.gesture.direction == "left" && Math.abs(e.gesture.velocityX) < 0.3) {
        restingPoint = 0;
      } else if(e.gesture.direction == "right") {
        restingPoint = 0;


Certainly worthy of a feature request though.