How can I capture config.xml version and display in my app?

How can I capture config.xml version and display in my app?

I’m trying to use $http.get to get the and attr version and then display in ionic app but I cannot seem to get it to work.

Rather than doing it at runtime, I would do it at build time like Generator-M does it in their configuring.js gulp task.

You could then parse config.xml and create angular constants for the values you’re interested in.

@gmarziou Thanks for the reply I’ll take a look at that.

use the appVersionPlugin its available in ngCordova too

@djett Thanks. I’ll take a look. I’m still having issues getting this to work. If I understand correctly since this is a cordova plugin there is no way for me to test this in the browser right? I can only test it in a Build/Emulator.

When I inject $cordovaAppVersion into my controller It crashes in the browser with error…

So I set up the ngCordova plugin and everything seems to be good. Except for when I run a build i’m not getting the App version I’m only seeing my function code.

Here’s the code in my controller

vm.version = function() {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
$cordovaAppVersion.getAppVersion().then(function (version) {
var appVersion = version;
return appVersion;

Using ng-bind=“ctrl.version”

@mmarrow your version function wont work like that. Instead it would be better to set the scope variable when the app version resolves… like the following controller code (additonal note: 4 spaces will indent your code)

//code that goes inside your controller function

$scope.version = null;

$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
  $cordovaAppVersion.getAppVersion().then(function (version) {
    $scope.version = version;

//html code
<div ng-bind="version"></div>

Hi I hv tried with same code but i am not getting version picked from config.xml. Please suggest what to do.