I am looking for a way to show the user an Ionic popup if there is a new version of an Ionic app.
I will use http.post inside app.js .run section and trigger an ionic poup if there is a new version .
What i am confuse about, is how can i read a file that indicate a new version, can config.xml file provide this information ? into version atribute or id atribute of the widget xml markup ?
//Verify new version and trigger a warning
.success( function(data) {
console.log(' success data '+data);
actualAppversion = somewhere(); //TODO: define a service that retrieve the actual version
$scope.appVersionActual = actualAppversion;
$scope.appNewVersion = data;
if($scope.appNewVersion!= $scope.appVersionActual){
$ionicPopup.confirm({title: "You have an old version",content: "A new version is available."})
console.log('Had an error'+error);
You can try with this plugin, I’ve never used this before, but it seems to fit your goal.
Also available on ngCordova:
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Trying to figure out why i did not get the version
I do install the plugin, and follow https://blog.nraboy.com/2014/11/find-application-version-ionic-framework-app/ post
Window.cordova is always undefined and did not get the version.
I declare a variable outside the module :
var appVersion = "0.0.0";
.run(function($ionicPlatform, $ionicPopup) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
cordova.getAppVersion(function(version) {
appVersion = version
alert('appVersion : '+appVersion);
console.log('appVersion : '+appVersion);
$ionicPopup.confirm({title: "Version", content: "appVersion : "+appVersion })
Are you testing only in the browser ? Have you already tried it on the emulator/device ? There are certain plugins that will work in the browser, as said here
No i am testing on device with Android 4.1.2. Seems my problem is cordova being undefined, so cordova.getAppVersion will follow this undefined state.
Creating a blank app from scratch just work´s . Some javascript must be in conflict with cordova.js
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