Help - Build error in Ionic Framework

Hi just checked in a recent changed, and am egtting failed builds. Had previously built this app OK. This is what I am seeing in the build log. Anyone seen something similar?

error: cache entry has null sha1: relivvitvine

What is your ionic info output?

Can you post the entire text build output?

Hi there. This is the output that I got. Weird thing is it has started building again after a couple more commits, but I really don’t know why.


Running with gitlab-ci-multi-runner 9.1.0 (0118d89)
on Prod Snapshot Builds 1 (c9648220)
Using Shell executor…
Running on ip-10-2-78-101…
Fetching changes…
Removing .bowerrc
Removing .editorconfig
Removing .gitignore
Removing .io-config.json
Removing .project
Removing .settings/
Removing bower.json
Removing config.xml
Removing gulpfile.js
Removing hooks/
Removing ionic.config.json
Removing package-lock.json
Removing package.json
Removing relivvitvine/
Removing resources/
Removing scss/
Removing www/
error: cache entry has null sha1: relivvitvine
fatal: Could not write new index file.
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1