Has-header being removed from ion-content in beta-5

Using beta5 here. The content area is being clipped at the top because the CSS class has-header is being removed from the ion-content. Rolling back to previous beta and it works just fine.

 <ion-header-bar align-title="left"  ng-show="data.showDelete" class="bar bar-stable"  ng-class="{'bar-subheader': data.showDelete}" >
     <h1 class="title">Select all</h1>
     <div class="buttons">
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="data.selectAll" ng-change="doSelectAll()">

  <ion-content  ng-class="{'has-subheader': data.showDelete}"   has-header="true" overflow-scroll=true>

The attribute has-head="true" has long be depreciated/removed. ion-content will actually auto adjust if there is a header, footer,tabs, or sub-bars in the view. Upgrade to beta 5b, wait until tomorrow to use beta 6, or use the nightly builds.

How can I have a ion-header-bar that isn’t visible at all times and still have the ion-content updating itself on each change?

The ng-show/ng-if on the ion-header-bar works as expected, but the content is ignorant to the changes in the header above it.

I know there was a couple of attributes on those directives that would indicate such feature in the past, but they’re long gone now (has-header and hide-header-bar iirc). There is nothing at my reach now that could help me as far as I’ve read.

Actualy I found out what’s happening. It’s a bug, and I describe it better here.