Graphs help or suggestions

Hi all,

I’m working on an app that reads some data from an arduino’s bluetooth adapter. The connection and all works great but I want to display the data real-time in some line/bar charts. ( 8 bars in one view, and 6 line graphs, in a different view

I have tried a few charts libraries including : chartjs, highcharts, jquery flot, chartist, c3, d3

My problem is, I want to add data to the line chart every second and have a max of 10 values on the graph at a time but after a few seconds my app gets so laggy that I can’t even scroll anymore.

Anyone have any idea why this is going on or/and how to fix it ? or use a different chart lib. ?


I don’t have any suggestions for you, but I’m also looking to add charts to an app I’m playing with.

From the chart options you have looked at, which did you like the best, in look, and ease of use.

I would probably look at flot.

I am sorry I can’t help with your question though.