Please any one tell how to draw graph in ionic?
ok thanks for ur help
Check out d3 charts, or any of the other charting tools which work with Angular, I personally found d3 to be quite easy to implement, but I didn’t give them all a go. A quick google search for AngularJS charts should get you underway.
I’m at the same stage, looking for a plug-in for simple pie and line charts. I found this interesting analysis and angular-ready chart solutions:
I think I am going to try her first suggestion,
Later: It was almost trivial to add in Chart.js + tc-angular-chartjs and now my app has some beautiful donut charts.
As to the question of making them responsive, I’m not really sure what you mean. I put my donut charts in their own
Can u make the charts from Chart.js responsive. I have tried but was unable to so. i think this has to do something with them using canvas.
@saurabhgupta050 Am just giving a try .But getting error something like
TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'getContext'
I have added canvas object in html file.