Google Plus on Ionic 2 RC 0

Hi there!

I migrated from beta 11 to rc 0 a couples days ago and since the move I can’t get google plus authentification to work like it used to.

I keep having error message like 12501 (user cancelled) or 10 (developer error)…

I looked on the github for cordova-plugin-googleplus and there is an issues talking about that problem but after trying many things I’m still having those errors.

Was wandering if anyone here is using googleplus login or facebook login and made it work on RC0??


Me too, but this is first I try google plus in ionic2. I don’t know why it is wrong :frowning:

In Ionic project there is file called config.xml in that there is field called id the value of field should be same as the field of package creation ( respective to the platform like ios or android

When you say that the widget id in config.xml should be the same “field of package creation ( respective to the platform like ios or android”. What do you mean by “field of package creation respective to the platform like ios or android”?

My config.xml file has:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="com.ionicframework.thewhozooXXXXXX" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">

So the value com.ionicframework.thewhozooXXXXXX needs to correspond to some other value you refer to. What is that?

Is that the package in AndroidManifest.xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<manifest android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="0.0.1" package="com.ionicframework.thewhozooXXXXXX"

The AndroidManifest.xml is auto generated by ionic build android copying the values from config.xml.