Though-out ionic 2’s development iv been building my app and testing it in the BETA channel of Google Play and everything’s been going fine, today I updating to ionic 2 final and passed it to ionic package to build an APK for me…
ionic package build android --profile android --release
I have since uploaded it to Google Play and I’m getting…
A device with API levels in range 17+ is eligible to receive version 76, which is optimised for higher API levels, but actually receives version 3000328 because it has a higher version code. This would occur when
Release track containing any of [BETA] and
Screen layouts containing any of [small, normal, large, xlarge] and
Native platforms containing any of [arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64] and
Features containing all of [android.hardware.FAKETOUCH, android.hardware.LOCATION, android.hardware.location.GPS, android.hardware.location.NETWORK, android.hardware.screen.PORTRAIT].
A device upgrading from API levels = 16 to API levels in range 17+ would become eligible to receive version 76, which is optimised for higher API levels, but would actually receive version 3000328 because it has a higher version code. This would occur when
Release track containing any of [BETA] and
Screen layouts containing any of [small, normal, large, xlarge] and
Native platforms containing any of [arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64] and
Features containing all of [android.hardware.FAKETOUCH, android.hardware.LOCATION, android.hardware.location.GPS, android.hardware.location.NETWORK, android.hardware.screen.PORTRAIT].
A device with API levels in range 17+ is eligible to receive version 76, which is optimised for higher API levels, but actually receives version 3000258 because it has a higher version code. This would occur when
Release track containing any of [BETA] and
Screen layouts containing any of [small, normal, large, xlarge] and
Features containing all of [android.hardware.FAKETOUCH, android.hardware.LOCATION, android.hardware.location.GPS, android.hardware.location.NETWORK, android.hardware.screen.PORTRAIT].
A device upgrading from API levels = 16 to API levels in range 17+ would become eligible to receive version 76, which is optimised for higher API levels, but would actually receive version 3000258 because it has a higher version code. This would occur when
Release track containing any of [BETA] and
Screen layouts containing any of [small, normal, large, xlarge] and
Features containing all of [android.hardware.FAKETOUCH, android.hardware.LOCATION, android.hardware.location.GPS, android.hardware.location.NETWORK, android.hardware.screen.PORTRAIT].
Some devices are eligible to run multiple APKs. In such a scenario, the device will receive the APK with the higher version code.
76 is my current production version from 20 Aug 2015 (API Level 16+)
3000258 is an old BETA from Dec (API Level 16+)
3000328 is my latest BETA build from Today (API Level 16+)
I just want to use 3000328, but Google Play wont let me deactivate 3000258, when i do it says…
It is forbidden to downgrade devices which previously used M permissions (target SDK 23 and above) to APKs which use old style permissions (target SDK 22 and below). This occurs in the change from version 3000258 (target SDK 23) to version 76 (target SDK 0).
Any ideas why i cant deactivate 3000258? Thanks