Originally published at: Google Play Android App Bundle Requirement for New Apps - Ionic Blog
The Android App Bundle (AAB) publishing format includes an app’s compiled code and resources as well as defers APK generation and signing to Google Play. Introduced in 2018, Google Play uses the app bundle to generate and optimize APKs for distribution for different device configurations and languages. This makes your app smaller and faster to…
Hello, I found this content originally at Google Play Android App Bundle Requirement for New Apps - Ionic Blog, written by Likhith Aalla. Can you explain me how to create the abb package locally with ionic CL command? So far I used the apk packages with Google Play, but I encounter problems when trying to create abb. I have jarsigner, zipalign and apksigner. However, I don’t know what exactly to do. This How to make use of Android App Bundle in Ionic Applications? - Stack Overflow didn’t help. Do I need some extra configuration file(s)?
Thanks in andvance.
I found Uygulamanızı imzalama | Android Studio | Android Developers
But it expects that the application is created using Android Studio. I don’t use the IDE. I always run only the CLI command
ionic cordova run android --device
which calls gradle, but that’s it. I cannot find any simple list of actions how to sign the app, which is created in the ./platforms/android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release folder.
The old way, using jarsigner and zipalign doesn’t work. Google Play protests with error messages.
I tried to ask ChatGPT and it suggested to create a ./platforms/android/release-signing.properties file with the following content:
The release-key.keystore I have been using since a long time ago for .apk signing uses only one password. How to create the second one and how to use it from CLI? Thanks in advance!
Command to create bundles is
gradlew bundleRelease
Install sdk on you system so that you can run the commands from command prompt
check also the target version .
For installation you may refer
for how to create release bundle and signed it use jarsigner command
for more details