Getting ionic to run on phone - stuck on xcode settings

I am finally at the stage where I am attempting to get my app running on iOS.

The main problem is that xcode is totally new to me - so I am finding it difficult to configure it correctly.

I have signed up to the Apple developers program and downloaded the certificates and built the Ionic app successfully on a mac.

This is where the confusion beings - xcode says it needs a development team:

but if I go into xcode perefences - account I have them setup.

From this page I cannot see the option to enable signing.

I have followed the ionic guide but the screen images are no longer the same.

Any pointers would be welcome!

Project editor is when you opened your app, the way your project is set up seems to require changes there.

But you should be able to build without any changes in Xcode at all.

Thanks @Sujan12 I found a post on stackoverflow with a video which explained a way to use xcode - apparently I needed to click on the project name in the left hand pannel which lists all the errors/warnings. It then displayed the options to edit.

Building on ios was not an issue (apart from wondering why the resources icon image had to be 1024 x 1024 rather than 192 x 192). The problem is that once built the app requires the certificate and signing to run on an actual device.

@JAR19 have you set your project in Xcode to automatically manage signing?

Under General tab

Thanks @reedrichards yes finally got round the issue - the problem is that I am not familiar with the Apple system so when it said click on the project name - I was clicking on the wrong object.

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Tbh that interface doesn’t really make any sense… so great you figured it out :slight_smile:

I regret I cannot take the credit for working it out - my daughter was the one who worked out what was wrong.