Design and padding help

Hi, I am having trouble getting the correct CSS for my app.
I Currently have 2 cards at the top of an image. The purpose of my app is to use the native screenshot plugin to take a screenshot of the two cards just above the image. As close as possible to this designed in Android (I am trying to move from Android to Ionic):

Here is what I have currently produced in Ionic:

I would like to align the 2 cards at the top of the screen with no padding then the image right below so. Here is my HTML code:

















            <ion-card-title>Image Number</ion-card-title>










  <ion-img [src]="RetTakenImage"></ion-img>

  <ion-button (click)="TakeScreenshot()">Screenshot</ion-button>


I have no CSS added yet as i had tried removing padding etc but cant get them how i want them. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Aesthetically speaking, I’m not the biggest fan of the way the internal borders are fatter than the external borders in the textual cells, so I would do this instead:

  <div class="outer">
    <div class="toplogo">
      <img src="logo">
    <div class="top field-label">Sample Request Number</div>
    <div class="top field-value">1234</div>
    <div class="bottom field-label">Image No.</div>
    <div class="bottom field-value">1</div>
    <div class="photo">
      <img src="photo">

.outer {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

  .toplogo, .photo {
    grid-column: 1 / span 2;
    text-align: center;

  .field-label, .field-value {
    border: 2px solid black;

  .top {
    border-top: 4px solid black;

  .bottom {
    border-bottom: 4px solid black;

However, as your question asks for bug-compatibility,

.outer {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

  .toplogo, .photo {
    grid-column: 1 / span 2;
    text-align: center;

  .field-label, .field-value {
    border: 4px solid black;
  //.top {
  //  border-top: 4px solid black;
  //.bottom {
  //  border-bottom: 4px solid black;
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Thanks a lot!! Really appreciate the help and quick response