Make ion-col resize to img size

I’m trying to create a layout of ion-img inside ion-col but the images are getting cut, how can I make then fit without using specific height for every screen size

		<ion-card-header text-wrap>
			Estadio Ebal Rodrigues - Sabado, 27 de agosto
					<ion-col col-5>
						<ion-img width="100%" height="100%" src="./assets/img/Santos.png"></ion-img>
					<ion-col col-2>
					<ion-col col-5>
						<ion-img width="100%" height="100%" src="./assets/img/Municipal Grecia.png"></ion-img>

This is how it’s being displayed

<ion-img> is specifically only for use with virtual scroll. Don’t use it outside of that context.

My advice : try to rework your code with ion-list, ion-item, and customize CSS according to needs.
Your code is not bad, but ion-grid is not made to be put inside a ion-card.

If you have to make a ion-grid, do it rather that way:

					<ion-col col-5>
						<ion-img width="100%" height="100%" src="./assets/img/Santos.png"></ion-img>
					<ion-col col-2>
					<ion-col col-5>
						<ion-img width="100%" height="100%" src="./assets/img/Municipal Grecia.png"></ion-img>

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

I don’t recall ever seeing anything indicating that.

It’s not in the docs, but I talk from experience @rapropos.

Yeah, I’m going to need a bit more than vague claims of “experience” before I believe that. I think putting grids inside of cards is a perfectly reasonable design.

I’m just trying to help @rapropos. Put that in a ionic app, you’ll see (we were talking about html layout).

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Using regular HTML <img> made the Trick, Thank you very much @rapropos

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i tried this and it works so good thank u