Can't force padding on ion-card

None of the .css attributes are working to for the ion-card padding:

Here is what I’m using in the .css

    ion-card {
    margin-top:20px !important;
    padding-top: 50px !important;
    border-top: 20;


And notice in the 2d screen shot how the other tab page’s title is showing in the background of the header. Not to mention I can’t get the padding for this page either and it’s not a card,…just ion-content20180506_18130020180506_181850

What does your markup look like?

Are you using any page selectors?

this is the html with the card that won’t adhere to the padding


  <ion-navbar color="navbar">
        <ion-buttons right>
          <button ion-button icon-only (click)="closeModal()">
              <ion-icon name="close-circle"></ion-icon>

<ion-card padding class="ion-cards">
  <ion-card-content padding>

This is the page with the transparent header. This is a tab page

  <ion-navbar color="navbar" class="navbar">
      <ion-buttons left>
          <button ion-button text-only (click)="skipAddingInfo()">
      <ion-title text-center>Profile</ion-title>
      <ion-buttons right>
          <button ion-button text-only (click)="savePersonalInfo()">

<ion-content padding class="profilePhoto center-text" *ngIf="loggedInUser">
<!--  <div class="cameraIcon">
    <img src="assets/img/ic-camera.png"/>
    <img [src]="loggedInUser.photoURL"/>
      Background Info
          {{ loggedInUser.displayName }}
        <textarea #myInput rows="1" maxLength="50" (keyup)="resize()" [(ngModel)]="bio" placeholder="Enter your bio"></textarea>
        Add photos
      <ion-row class="add-background">
          <div [ngSwitch]="this.cameraServiceProvider.photo1">
              <div *ngSwitchDefault>
                  <img [src]="this.cameraServiceProvider.photo1" (click)="Present('photo1.png')"/>
              <div *ngSwitchCase="'UseButton'">
                  <img src="assets/img/add-an-image.png" (click)="selectPhoto('photo1.png')"/>
        <ion-col >
          <div [ngSwitch]="this.cameraServiceProvider.photo2">
              <div *ngSwitchDefault>
                  <img [src]="this.cameraServiceProvider.photo2" (click)="Present('photo2.png')"/>
              <div *ngSwitchCase="'UseButton'">
                  <img src="assets/img/add-an-image.png" (click)="selectPhoto('photo2.png')"/>
      <ion-row class="add-background">
          <div [ngSwitch]="this.cameraServiceProvider.photo3">
              <div *ngSwitchDefault>
                  <img [src]="this.cameraServiceProvider.photo3" (click)="Present('photo3.png')"/>
              <div *ngSwitchCase="'UseButton'">
                  <img src="assets/img/add-an-image.png" (click)="selectPhoto('photo3.png')"/>
        <ion-col >
          <div [ngSwitch]="this.cameraServiceProvider.photo4">
              <div *ngSwitchDefault>
                  <img [src]="this.cameraServiceProvider.photo4" (click)="Present('photo4.png')"/>
              <div *ngSwitchCase="'UseButton'">
                  <img src="assets/img/add-an-image.png" (click)="selectPhoto('photo4.png')"/>
          <input placeholder="Enter"> 
      <div padding class="">
        <ion-chip *ngFor="let of">
          <ion-label>{{ }}</ion-label>
          <button (click)="()">
            <img src="assets/img/ic-small-close.png"/>
          <ion-toggle [(ngModel)]="" ></ion-toggle>
          <ion-toggle [(ngModel)]="" ></ion-toggle>
        <ion-toggle [(ngModel)]="" ></ion-toggle>
      <button ion-button block color="navbar" (click)="savePersonalInfo()">Save</button>
      <button ion-button block color="navbar" (click)="logoutOfFacebook()">Logout</button>
  <ion-content class="settings">

Do you want your card in the header?


      Craft Beer





      <ion-card-title text-center>





Transparent header:

<ion-header no-border>

  <ion-navbar transparent>
    <button ion-button menuToggle>
      <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>



No, I don’t want the card in the header, I want it beneath the header.

I think I explained my issue wrong. I actually don’t want a transparent header. The problem with my header is that it’s transparent. The issue is that the other header’s title can be seen underneath. I don’t want that and I’m not sure why the header from another page can be seen.

Take a look at the sample Ionic Conference App: