Deep linking in iOS, "Error no apps with domain entitlements"

I have a problem with Deep links in iOS using capacitor. Everything it’s ok with Android but ios don’t work.

I’ve done all the needed steps:

  • added “associated domains” capability
  • created apple-app-site-association file.
  • uploaded the file on https
  • added on xcode the that I need

Using this tool it’s all ok but not one step. I have this error “Error no apps with domain entitlements”
I’m guessing that the problem is that when I added a feature the provisioning profile created earlier was invalidated. I need to create another provisioning profile also only for testing purposes?

While developing (i.e. before pushing to app store), you can ignore that error.

The problem that I eventually found was that I did not have debug app entitlements set up.

You’ll need two files in the root of your project: AppDebug.entitlements AppRelease.entitlements

Those files need to contain the entries.

These files are populated when you add the capability in the “Signing & Capabilities” section in XCode. Be sure to fill in what you need to for the “All”, “Debug” and “Release” tabs.