Universal Links works In development but not from AppStore Apps or Production

If You using Cordova/Ionic v3

There is bug…

Check these Step:

There Are Four process

1.app console

App ids → select app id→ enabled Associated Domains → Done Provisioning Profile → Edit again

  1. On Xcode

AppName → general → capability → Associated Domains → + →


  1. On Your Server Upload apple-app-site-association file in root dir for http And .well-known folder for https

Ex - https://www.skyscanner.com/apple-app-site-association

Ex - https://www.skyscanner.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association

Don’t append this file as json leave as text Ex – of apple-app-site-association


(cordova) project folder there are two files: Project → plateform → ios → projectNameFolder →



When I add the value applinks:example.com to Capabilities–> Associated domains → Domains, the Entitlements-Debug.plist got the lines:

 <key>com.apple.developer.associated-domains</key> <array>  
 <string>applinks:example.com</string> </array>

BUT the Entitlements-Release.plist did not change. What I did to solve the issue is to copy-paste the generated lines form the Entitlements-Debug.plist. After this, I did the exact same Archive and upload process as before and everything worked fine.

and use ionic-plugin-deeplinks to get params and Route your Deeplink process

…Thanks Later First Build Your Project

Same problem here. Have you found a way to get che correct key/string in Entitlements-Release.plist

We have the same problem with ionic-v4. Any news?