Datepicker focus scrolls the whole viewport; iOS9


we’ve some issue focusing the datepicker properly.
Like shown in the following video:

When focusing the datepicker in an ion-view/ ion-content container with less elements in it everything is fine and the datepicker is appearing well. After adding some (one or two) elements to the view the behavior changes to the one in the video.

It’s happening on the iOS Simulator version 9.1 and on a iPhone with iOS 9.1. It’s fine on an iPhone with IOS 7.1.2.

This one is working:

<ion-view view-title="" hide-nav-bar="false">
    <ion-content class="text-center padding">
        <input type="date" />

This one is not working

<ion-view view-title="" hide-nav-bar="false">
    <ion-content class="text-center padding">
        <button ui-sref="#" class="button button-block button-balanced" name="">Got</button>
        <button ui-sref="#" class="button button-block button-clear" name="">New</button>
        <input type="date" />

Could anyone point this out? We appreciate any help! :+1: