Current working directory is not Cordova-based project


I created a new project using ionic start myapp blank Now i am trying to add platform android to it but it is showing me and error stating Current working directory is not Cordova-based project. I have everything installed in the system.

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I tried reinstalling everything againā€¦ But nothing seems to work. Please help, Thanks.

Iā€™m having the same problem. tried updating cordova. ran ā€œcordova create .ā€ from another thread. nothing seems to fix this. any updates?

Iā€™m having the same issue after cloning an existing project down to a machine. Attempted to uninstall/reinstall ionic/phonegap/cordova without success. Also attempted the cordova create . command without any luck.

Did you enter the project directory:
cd myApp

And run cordova/ionic commands from inside this ā€˜myAppā€™ directory?

I am still having the same problem. Please help.